Friday, September 28, 2007

I can't live in a bubble forever

That's right. I am finally taking the leap and reentering society. I will be the first one to admit that I have been keeping to myself since we have moved. I guess it was my own way of self protecting. Denial would be another way to describe it.

My first step was joining the PTA. My second step was looking for work. There are so many people hiring here it was easy to find something that was flexible enough for me. Lastly, I accepted a part time job at the Wellness and Fitness Center.

I start on Tuesday. I will be giving tours and keeping the guests happy. I think I'll be good at that. It's part time and the pay sucks but I get a free membership and T and the girls are almost free. If you figure in the cost of a full family membership it's a great paying job. The best part is they have an full size pool.

Wish me luck.


Patti said...

Congratulations on the new job and joining in on some local activities. Sure hope you asked for time off for the Halloween party. ;) Priorities you know!

Julie said...

Hey Al,

How is the PTA there the one at our school is scary. I try not to make eye contact with any of the moms so they know I'm not interested. I hope you had a great first day at work. What days do you work.
