Monday, February 25, 2008

As the Nest Turns

After watching the eagles for a year my Mom and I finally made the trip over to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. It was a little chilly and over cast, but not too bad. We could see the nest immediately, and the female resting on a branch. We watched from the ground for a few minutes, then went up into the observation tower. It was so cool to be there in person instead of looking at a small video screen on my computer.

Channel 13 did an update story, here's the link. It's a must see. Let us know what you think.

If the link doesn't work copy and paste into your browser.
Wait for the fat dog bit to finish.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Eagle Update

This is a link to the local news story about the eagles.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our Eagles are in Distress

Last Spring we were on the edge of our seats as we watched three eagles hatch and fledge their nest. It was awesome! This year the Eagle Cam has recorded the eagles build a new nest and lay three new eggs. I just read that our eagles were attacked by a third eagle. They were forced to leave the nest for long periods of time. It is not know if the eggs are still viable.

You can read more and see a slide show of the attack at

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

That's our girl!

She did it again! The 5th graders were all asked to design an anti smoking t-shirt. You are looking at the winner!!!! It says "Don't Smoke. When you do you kill."

It's hard to see the details. If you look closely you will see that these aren't just any old ground squirrels, they are thirteen line ground squirrels. You will also see that the words "don't smoke" have fire on them. My favorite part is the baby. She is so cute. She is covering her eyes because the entrance to her home is filled with cigarette butts and the ground is also littered with cigarettes.

Click photo enlarge.

Her message is clear. Smoking not only hurts the smoker, it hurts everyone.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our new favorite place

Over Christmas break we went to the Virginia Air and Space Center. We bought a season pass so any and everyone who comes to visit this year can count on dropping in. There is an ice skating ring, an Imax theater, and lots of flight simulators, just to name a few things. I also found out that I only weight 7 lbs. on Pluto. Maybe I'll try to get weight wathchers to have a meeting there.

We had a total blast, and have even been back for a second visit. We are planning our next visit soon because Jelly Belly is sponsoring a traveling exhibit called "Candy Unwrapped."