Tuesday, February 5, 2008

That's our girl!

She did it again! The 5th graders were all asked to design an anti smoking t-shirt. You are looking at the winner!!!! It says "Don't Smoke. When you do you kill."

It's hard to see the details. If you look closely you will see that these aren't just any old ground squirrels, they are thirteen line ground squirrels. You will also see that the words "don't smoke" have fire on them. My favorite part is the baby. She is so cute. She is covering her eyes because the entrance to her home is filled with cigarette butts and the ground is also littered with cigarettes.

Click photo enlarge.

Her message is clear. Smoking not only hurts the smoker, it hurts everyone.

To order please send $19.95 in a self addressed stamped envelope (sase) to.... :)


Liz said...

That's awesome. I love the t-shirt. My check will be in the mail.

AJ Brackel said...

Oh my GOSH! Gracie looks so grown up! A budding artist, indeed. : )

Patti said...

Love the t-shirt design. She's so creative!!!