Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Drill Baby Drill

Tuesday our well went dry.
Wednesday we called a plumber hoping it was the pump. We weren't so lucky.
Thursday we called a well digger and got and emergency well permit.
Friday it rained all day. Did you know you can't drill in the rain? Either did I.
Saturday the big drill rig sunk in the mud and had to be towed out.
Sunday is Holy Day.
Monday we had a logging road put down so the trucks could get to the back yard.
Monday night about 8:00 we had water!

We were able to take showers at the fitness center and our neighbor, Jerry, let us fill containers so we could flush. It was interesting to say the least. All in all it wasn't so bad. Every time I got frustrated I would think of my family members who were going far worse situations and it helped keep things in perspective.

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